Stop Smoking With Hypnotherapy

To stop smoking is the easiest thing you can do in the world - as soon as you are in the right frame of mind. 

That's why Hypnotherapy can make it so easy to stop smoking.

Whenever someone consults me about wanting to stop smoking I always ask myself two questions: 

Why Hypnotherapy? Why now? 

These are the two most important questions to ask yourself because stopping smoking comes down to belief. Your belief in being a natural non-smoker for good!

Most people have tried lots of different ways to stop smoking, from nicotine patches and gum to willpower alone. Each time most people find it difficult to succeed because with each of these methods you have to keep thinking about the very thing they don’t want to do in order to not do it!

Why Willpower Alone is likely to fail...

Take the example of using willpower alone. In order for it to work, you keep thinking: “I won’t smoke. I’m not smoking.” You are thinking about cigarettes, they seem to always be on your mind.

The reason hypnotherapy is the most successful way to stop smoking for good is that we deal with those nagging thoughts, leaving you free to be a natural non-smoker.
It really is that easy. Easier than you thought possible and it just keeps getting easier; each day that goes by. All you have to do is want and believe it will happen.
I believe 90% of stopping smoking is about believing that it is going to happen and wanting it to happen. You have to start seeing yourself as a natural non-smoker. Not an ex-smoker, or someone who used to smoke, you are a natural non-smoker, it’s as if you never smoked.

Everything we’ve ever been told about giving up smoking makes you believe that it’s going to be difficult, and to make it worse you try using willpower alone, and you find it difficult. This makes that belief stronger and stronger; it doesn’t matter that it’s a false belief.

Changing that belief requires you to start seeing, and understanding things differently. You need to start seeing yourself as that natural non-smoker. 

Think how your life will be – and see it. Picture it in your mind. Make it vivid and bright. See how things are going to be not how you don’t want them to be. It’s a subtle change but makes all the difference.

How long does it take?

One session. Simple as that. Prepare for the session with some easy steps and it really is that easy. Initially, I asked everyone to come along for a consultation (free of charge) so that we can go through things in more detail and I can outline the preparation they will need to do before the stop smoking session. 

Preparation Before The Session

As with everything; preparation is important. Now that you’ve made up your mind to do it; take the time to prepare so that it’s even easier to stop smoking. It is the part of the treatment that I cannot do for you. You are preparing your mind for the treatment and getting mentally in training for being a natural non-smoker. 

  • Firstly, start picturing your non-smoking life in your mind. Each day choose a different aspect of your life and take a moment to see in your mind's eye exactly how it is going to be. 

  • Next repeat the following over and over to yourself: “I am a natural non-smoker. It’s as if I never smoked”. OK, I know this sounds silly, but trust me, it makes it real in your mind. It’s unnecessary to say it out loud – just think it. 

  • Think it over and over; the more times the better. And … while preparing I don’t care if you are having a cigarette whilst you’re thinking it. Just keep thinking about it! Most people will find that they instinctively reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke just by doing this simple step!

  • Finally: get excited; excited about what is going to happen. You are doing an amazing thing. You are taking control of your life, being positive and proactive. So be pleased with yourself! Look forward to the stop smoking session. 
More detail on the preparation can be found here
See your stop smoking session as the moment when you take that final step and seal the deal! You become that natural non-smoker. 

And that’s it! 

Book your initial consultation and begin the steps to you being a natural non-smoker: or call David direct on 01536 350328


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