
Showing posts from January, 2024

What Is Emotional Resilience?

  What Is Meant By The Term Psychological Resilience? There are many definitions of reliance, but we could settle for the ability to be able to cope, adapt, recover and learn from life’s challenges. Coping usually refers to being able to ‘sit with’ unpleasantness/distress with the knowledge that you can weather that storm and things will improve. This particular interpretation and response to difficult circumstances makes us less likely to become overwhelmed. Adapting to stresses is a helpful aspect of resilience. It refers to altering your behaviour (and interpretation of events) about the demands of the circumstances. A lack of resilience leads us to respond in the same way: “Because that’s what I always do”. Linked to this is the ability to learn from events which of course informs how you adapt to future stressful experiences. That knowledge will also strengthen your ability to cope with further unpleasantness. Once all these elements are in play, your ability to recover from signi

Symptom Focus: Anxiety - Something Inside Yourself But Outside Your Control

  Your heart is beating alarmingly quickly, and you become aware that you are breathing more rapidly. It’s like you are struggling for air. You can feel a tightness in the chest with hot or cold flushes; feeling rooted to the spot.  Sound familiar? These symptoms are what we commonly call an anxiety attack. Anxiety can appear in many different forms and situations, and in most cases, it is very difficult for the sufferer to explain. What's The Difference Between Stress and Anxiety Stress and anxiety are different. Stress is a response to external pressures. We feel agitated and unhappy and can attribute it to external things: work, relationships and financial issues. We know they cause stress (rather than anxiety) because when our external circumstances change, stress symptoms change also.  Anxiety creates the same symptoms, but the stress comes from within a person’s mind. They feel the same nervousness, anger and agitation, but it remains even when external circumstances change.