Challenge Self-Doubt: Coaching and Hypnotherapy


“I know what I should do, but I’m not sure that I could do it.” 

This is a ‘what if?’ comment. When we think about making changes in our lives we can sometimes put blocks in our way with ‘what if’s”. What if I fail? What if it is a mistake? What if I regret it? 

More often than not we spend time thinking about the downsides of the change rather than the benefits, even though the positives were exactly what created the desire to change in the first place. 

Negative focusing is a powerful force in stopping us from progressing in the way we should.

The key is to get into the habit of reframing the negative ‘what if?’ into a positive statement of what is going to happen. I am all in favour of positive imagination and dwelling on what our life will be like when the goal is achieved, but it is important that it is always framed in a positive way. 

The most important thing to understand is how to reframe or rather change that negative view into dwelling on what if you succeed? What if it was the best thing you ever did? What if it makes you happier than you’ve felt in years?

Coaching: Accessing Concious Change - Hypnotherapy: Accessing UNconcious Change

Coaching is a way of maximising motivation to achieve your goals. The coaching process helps you focus, plan and execute the changes you want to make to your life. Combining the process with Hypnotherapy you are able to learn the skills of self-hypnosis and how to use auto-suggestion to boost your confidence and self-belief.

The Coaching process helps to focus on what you want to achieve, but importantly how you are going to achieve it, while Hypnotherapy helps you re-program the way you think about it.

One takes care of the conscious mind (coaching), and the other the unconscious one (Hypnotherapy).
Combing Hypnotherapy with focused Coaching can help a person deal with the negative self-doubt that has stood in their way of succeeding the way they wanted to.
Your car works better when it’s been tuned, the same is true of our mental attitude. Coaching with Hypnotherapy helps ‘tune’ your thinking so that you can find it easier to make the changes that will help you become the person you’ve wanted to be.
David treats clients at Kettering Osteopaths and Oundle Osteopaths. For a Free initial consultation call David on 01536 350328 or visit


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