A few positive things from what has been a strange year...

Had enough of 2020? I don’t blame you! It’s been a strange year, but I have taken stock of some of the positive things to take into 2021… Resilience Since the end of the first lockdown, I have been helping people manage the stresses which are a bi-product of the pandemic. I have continued to help people overcome anxieties which have been resurrected or made worse by the worries of COVID-19. Whatever the outcome, it has been clear that we have a great deal of resilience. The clients I have worked with have shown grit and determination to challenge their worries, face and resolve their anxieties when it would have been understandable to run and hide. We all have resilience, but understanding that it will fluctuate with the circumstances we find ourselves in is the key. Will power is the act of keeping going despite the obstacles faced, and the same is true for resilience. The key is always to keep going, resolving obstacles by asking for help when needed or changing direction. My c...