Anxiety - Past Concerns Making Themselves Known

Your heart beats alarmingly quickly. You become aware that you are breathing more rapidly. It’s like you are struggling for air. You can feel a tightness in the chest with hot or cold flushes; feeling rooted to the spot. 

Sound familiar? These symptoms are what we commonly call an anxiety attack.

I would estimate that at least 80% of the people I see have experienced some or all of these feelings at some time; often without realising that they were having an anxiety attack.

Perhaps the most frustrating thing for the sufferer is their inability to control the anxiety once it has taken hold. They realise the anxiety doesn’t make sense but they continue to feel a rising fear within themselves.

To the observer, it can seem quite dramatic, but many sufferers have developed an ability to conceal how they are feeling; they suffer in silence.

Something inside yourself but outside your own control.

The person feels anxious but doesn’t know where it is coming from so their mind associates the anxiety with situations in their lives, which helps them make sense of the feelings.

The panic is coming from inside them and is out of their control, and so needs to be explained. From then on every time the person is in the same or similar situation they feel the panic again.

It can be useful to think of anxiety as inner stress and because it is coming from inside their mind and this means they find it difficult to understand why they feel the way they do or how to overcome it.

The symptoms (phobias, panic attacks, social anxiety, low mood etc) 
are outward expressions of unconscious anxiety. 

The anxiety sufferer knows their behaviour is irrational yet they cannot seem to overcome it.
Knowing the anxiety is irrational does not help.

Anxiety is an obstacle. It prevents us from getting the most out of life. The anxiety sufferer finds they cannot concentrate and have negative thoughts and feelings bubbling away most of the time.

They have no idea how to overcome it, all they can do is try and suppress it until the next time it bubbles to the surface.

What Causes Unconscious Anxiety?

Your Past is Your Present

Most people can acknowledge that there are things from their life which they haven’t really dealt with and may well still be causing them problems. Like a pressure cooker, a person can have a build-up of emotional rubbish which shows itself as anxiety symptoms. The symptoms act as a release valve for the inner pressure.

"Unexpressed emotions will never die.
They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."
Sigmund Freud

By removing the emotional causes of problems the pressure is relieved and their anxiety can be resolved. Analytical Hypnotherapy helps a person resolve the build-up of pressures which are leading a person feeling anxious, or having a negative mindset.

Far from managing a problem with suggestion therapy, Analytical Hypnotherapy allows a person to work on ‘wiping the slate clean’ and resolve the issues and removing the anxiety obstacle so they are able to get back the old them and be happier and more contented.


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