Cause and Effect: Beyond the Symptom

An individual’s mental health is experienced in the present but is influenced by the past, and informs future behaviour. Analytical approaches to psychotherapy view the symptoms as an outward expression of past behaviour. The symptoms are what is happening in the present, but are reflections of past experiences and the effect they had on the individual. When we approach understanding mental health in this way, we accept that symptoms are not the root cause of the problem. They are a response to difficulties that mirror their experience. It Works For Both Positive And Negative Causes and Effects The person who experienced disrupted caregiving during their early years may not have had the opportunity to learn what stable and consistent care/love looks and feels like. In later life, they may find it difficult to form long-lasting and meaningful relationships or develop anxiety in social settings. These symptoms are a reaction to those early years. Alternatively, imagine if a child'...